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NASPA Sponsors Talented Youth Contestants

On July 20th 2022, NASPA participated in the sashing ceremony for Mr and Ms Talented Youth pageant for this year's Nevis Culturama Festival. NASPA is proud to be the sponsor of the St. Thomas' Primary School. Ms Loretta France, NASPA's Human Resource Manager encouraged the participants, Ms Alecia Douglas and Mr Rayjaun Williams, to go out on the night of the show and do their best. Ms France also ensured them that NASPA will be rooting for them to bring home the crown. Ms France along with her assistant, Ms Michelle Lawrence sashed the contestants and Mr Rayjaun expressed his gratitude to the staff and board members of NASPA for so graciously sponsoring them. The Mr and Ms Talented Youth Pageant is slated for Sunday 24th July 2022 at 7:00 pm.

L-R: Ms Michelle Lawrence, Ms Alecia Douglas, Mr Rayjaun Roy Williams, Ms Loretta France

Ms. Lawrence and Ms. France sashing the contestants.


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