When life presents us with that which is least expected, undesirable, and hard to understand, it leaves us perplexed and with a sense of sadness. The Board of Directors, management, and staff, I mean all of us at NASPA, are trying to come to reality and accept that our beloved Chairman, Mr. Joseph Liburd has departed this life at such a time as this.
Mr. Joseph Liburd was appointed the 5th chairman of NASPA in June 2018, having served as a director on the Board for over 10 years. These were committed and fruitful years of service from one who gave his best in whatever he did. This Chairman was very much present and aware of the status of the Port Authority at any given time.
He was very effective in communicating with the Directors of the Board and General Manager with whom he worked well. Our cherished chairman was never short on wisdom, which he often imparted to us. As a matter of fact, for many years, Mr. Liburd faithfully shared by WhatsApp his self-constructed thoughts of the day with NASPA employees, management, directors, and numerous persons outside the entity.
One of Chairman Liburd's strong attributes was his decision-making process. He would carefully analyze the matter at hand, gather the relevant information, and give his explanation for the conclusion he would have come to. This did not prevent him from listening to the opinions and ideas of others and then make a constructive decision. He was objective in his thinking.
Chairman Liburd developed a good relationship with the staff and earned our respect, so much so that he was very receptive to the preferential treatment he got when he came to the ports for Board meetings or simply for a short visit. On several occasions, he too would have used his personal resources to encourage and inspire us to excel or improve our performance.
This competent and caring chairman will be greatly missed, as the void at NASPA will be evident for some time to come. His skills and experience, especially in the areas of security and law, will not be present anymore. But knowing him, he will want us to quickly find a way somehow to move on.
The Nevis Air and Seaports Authority extends heartfelt condolences to his children, Evroy and Eutroy Liburd, his adopted daughter Johnella Evelyn, and his extended family. As his soul rest in eternal peace in a place of bliss, it is our prayer that his loved ones will find comfort in the God of grace and all comfort.
General Manager
Oral Brandy